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Friday, January 15, 2010


Miss Handside, Fleathain Mill, Cathill, writes, August 13th, 1891 : "I am
more than thankful for the great benefit I have received from your Electropathic
treatment. I felt stronger and much better from the first day of wearing the
Electropathic Belt, its effect being marvellous, and, altogether, 1 can enjoy life
better than I have done for years. I am considerably stronger than before." All
in search of health should follow this lady's example, and procure one of these
world-famed health appliances, and wear it regularly. One thousand recent
original testimonials may be seen at the Electropathic and Zander Institute, 52.
Oxford Street, London, W, where Mr. C. B. Harness, (President) and the Medical
Battery Company's other officers may be consulted without charge, either person-
ally or by letter. Those who cannot call should write at once for pamphlet and
book of testimonials.


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