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Friday, January 15, 2010


JOHN R. WATSON, Esq., 14, Market Street, Harwich, writing to Mr. Harness.
April 14, 1892 : ; ' Referring to my former testimonial given you some years ago,
I still find your Electropathic Belt the same reliable antidote against my old
enemy, but I think I ought to tell you that recently, through overstrain, I suffered
severely from ' Nervous Exhaustion' and extreme depression brought on by over
taxation ; the additional treatment you recommended me for application to the
whole of the spine was completely successful, and I am now in perfect health and
vigour." The original of this and thousands of other unsolicited testimonials may
be seen at the Electropathic and Zander Institute, 52, Oxford Street, London, W.
(corner of Rathbone Place). Private consulations are free, either personally or by
correspondence, and all communications are regarded as confidential. Those who
cannot call should make a note of the address, and write at once for descriptive


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