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Friday, January 15, 2010


A combined Belt and Suspender is one of Mh Harness' latest electrical
inventions. It is the very thing to restore impaired vigour ; it acts directly upon
the vital organs by imperceptibly generating mild, invigorating currents, which
paas from the spinal cord direct to the affected parts. For varicocele and kindred
troubles it is invaluable. No man should be without one of these perfect health
appliances. They weigh only a few ounces, and are delightfully- comfortable in
wear. They stimulate and exhilarate the entire system, givinz new life and vigour
to the debilitated, and making the lives of despairing invalids once more worth
living. Call and see them scientifically tested, or write at once for particulars
to Mr. C. B. HARNESS, President, Electropathic Institute, 52, Oxford Street,
London, W. All communications are treated as strietly private and confidential.


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